Nuestros pacientes hablan de su experiencia

“URH turned out to be a good choice”
Sara en whereivf.com

IVF in Madrid? Why not! I thought almost 2 years ago. We took decision very fast and bought tickets to Madrid. URH turned out to be a good choice. IVF with PGS, because of my age, finished with success!” 


“Positive pregnancy test!”
Maria en whereivf.com

Positive pregnancy test!It was our first attempt, and we would like to thank URH for all they have done. God willing if everything goes well with this pregnancy we will go back to URH in the near future as we have frozen embryos.”


“Thank you for the miracle” 奇跡をありがとう
Jose Enrique y  Hitomi
(Agosto 2018)

“It is with great joy that we announce the birth of our son Julian on the 20th of May. Perhaps there aren’t enough words in a language to express our infinite gratitude to you and your staff for the affection, attention, and professionalism that you showed us from the first visit. After ten years of endless frustrated attempts with the supposedly best specialist in the field, you gave my wife the hope and confidence to have children. Thank you for allowing this to be possible. It has been the greatest of all miracles and blessings. Please add our newborn son to your illustrious family of international babies. We would collaborate in any way so that others may realize their own miracle. Best wishes to everyone at the clinic. We hope some day to thank you in person.”

Request an appointment.
Send us this form with your appointment preferences (dates and time slots), and we will call you to confirm it. If you prefer to be contacted by email, please indicate this in the comments. Thank you very much.

Demande un rendez-vous.

Envoyez-nous ce formulaire avec vos préférences pour le rendez-vous (dates et plage horaire), et nous vous appellerons par téléphone pour le fixer. Si vous préférez que nous vous contactions par e-mail, veuillez l’indiquer dans les commentaires. Merci beaucoup.


Envíanos este formulario con tus preferencias para la cita (fechas y franja horaria) y te llamaremos por teléfono para concertarla. En caso de que quieras que te contactemos por e-mail indícanoslo en los comentarios. Muchas gracias.