- Criotransferencia, Embriodonación, FIV, Ovodonación
Autora: Sylvia Fernández Shaw
The second visit usually takes place in less than a month. The tests results are reviewed and, if necessary, treatment is recommended. Treatments can begin immediately, since there are no waiting lists.
In URH García del Real treatment is as personalized as possible, so successive visits are with the same doctor. Additionally, in our daily clinical sessions the medical team (doctors and embryologists) reviews case by case, so we can come up with the most appropriate treatment for each couple or patient.
Send us this form with your preferences for the appointment (dates and time slot) and we will call you by phone to arrange it. If you want us to contact you by e-mail, let us know in the comments. Thank you very much.
Camino de la Zarzuela, 19 28023 (Aravaca) Madrid.
+34 91 740 16 90
Monday to thursday
8:00h a 14:00h 15:00h a 19:00h
8:00h a 14:00h
Demande un rendez-vous.
Envíanos este formulario con tus preferencias para la cita (fechas y franja horaria) y te llamaremos por teléfono para concertarla. En caso de que quieras que te contactemos por e-mail indícanoslo en los comentarios. Muchas gracias.