- Criotransferencia, Embriodonación, FIV, Ovodonación
Autora: Sylvia Fernández Shaw
Embryo donation is the procedure by which donated frozen embryos are thawed and transferred to the uterus of the recipient. Embryos have been donated from couples anonymously, after obtaining a pregnancy in an IVF cycle.
Embryo donation is indicated in:
1. Premature ovarian failure: spontaneous or secondary to surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
2. Genetic alterations of the gametes and gonadal dysgenesis.
3. Serious genetic diseases with high risk of transmission to their offspring and not preventable by other procedures.
4. Previous failure of assisted reproduction techniques.
5. Repeated implantation failure.
6. Recurrent miscarriages.
7. Women in menopause.
8. Women without a male partner.
The embryo donation treatment lasts about two weeks and consists of:
1. Endometrial preparation: The endometrium can be prepared following two types of protocol.
Spontaneous Protocol: 1 to 3 serial transvaginal scans can detect a spontaneous preovulatory follicle. An injection is given to trigger ovulation and program embryo transfer.
Replacement Protocol: a single injection is given on day 20 – 22nd of the cycle to induce a menstruation. Oestradiol patches are then started and a transvaginal scan and oestradiol blood test confirms the preparation of the endometrium after 7-10 days.
2. Embryo transfer: The embryo transfer is performed using a small cannula that is inserted through the uterine cervix, to deposit the embryos in the uterine cavity. A treatment with progesterone (oral or vaginal) is required before the transfer to facilitate the implantation of the embryos.
3. The pregnancy test is carried out in blood approximately 10 days after embryo transfer and the results are available in a few hours.
During the treatment a normal life can be carried out.
The pregnancy rate per transfer in embryo donation is 40-45%, and to 90% after 3 or 4 attempts. The incidence of twin pregnancy is 10-15%.
You can find information on the cost of the treatment in URH García del Real in our Conceive Plan Prices.
1. The donation of embryos is legal in Spain (Art 11 of the law 14/2006), anonymous (donors do not know the identity of the recipient couple and vice versa) and altruistic (donor patients do not receive any financial compensation for the donation of embryos).
2. To qualify embryos as fit for donation, the medical team will assess the physical health of the donors in order to avoid, as far as possible, the transmission of diseases. The female donor´s age at the time of the freezing of embryos must be under 36.
Camino de la Zarzuela, 19 28023 (Aravaca) Madrid.
+34 91 740 16 90
Monday to thursday
8:00h a 14:00h 15:00h a 19:00h
8:00h a 14:00h
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